
Consultation open on the Care and Support Sector Code of Conduct

By mpconsulting

mpconsulting has been engaged to assist the Australian Government with the development of a Care and Support Sector Code of Conduct (the Code) applicable to providers and workers across the aged care, veterans’ care and disability support sectors. Through preliminary engagement with key representatives in the care and support sector, a draft Code has been prepared using the existing NDIS Code of Conduct as a basis. A consultation paper has been released outlining the purpose of the draft Code and. Read more...

Consultation open on the Review of the general practice accreditation arrangements

By mpconsulting

mpconsulting has been engaged by the Department of Health (the Department) to undertake an independent review of the general practice accreditation arrangements under the National General Practice Accreditation Scheme (NGPA Scheme). As part of this review, we are seeking input from a range of stakeholders including general practitioners, practice owners and managers, accrediting agencies, peak bodies and patients. To do this, we have released a Consultation Paper and online survey to seek feedback on: -the extent to which the NGPA Scheme supports. Read more...

Five Year Review of the Health Star Rating System – Draft Review Report open for consultation

By mpconsulting

The Five Year Review of the Health Star Rating (HSR) System is considering how well the objectives of the HSR System have been met and identifying options for improvements. Since the Review commenced, we have: reviewed 483 public submissions, with a report published in October 2017 met with a wide range of stakeholders including government, public health and consumer organisations, academics and industry across Australia and New Zealand met with the HSR Advisory Committee to observe operations and governance arrangements and. Read more...

UPDATED 1 NOVEMBER - HSR System enhancements consultation

By mpconsulting

The Health Star Rating (HSR) System is a voluntary front-of-pack labelling (FoPL) scheme that rates the overall nutritional profile of packaged food and assigns it a rating from 0.5 to 5 stars. With a focus on processed packaged foods, the objective of the HSR System is to provide convenient, relevant and readily understood nutrition information and/or guidance to assist consumers to make informed food purchases and healthier eating choices. In July 2017, mpconsulting was engaged to undertake a Five Year Review. Read more...

Second round of forums for the HSR review

By mpconsulting

In February to April this year, we facilitated nine public forums across Australia and in New Zealand to hear from stakeholders on a range of issues significant to the five year review of the HSR system. In November 2018, we will facilitate a second round of forums. These forums will enable stakeholders to continue to provide input on key issues for the review, including on options for system enhancements. The forums will be hosted in Sydney, Auckland and Melbourne. As. Read more...