mpconsulting specialises in the provision of advice in relation to health and social services.

We have advised on topics as diverse as health funding, disability services, humanitarian settlement services, Indigenous health, aged care and public health.

One of our core strengths is the ability to draw on our vast experience of the broader health and social services sectors to inform our advice to clients. In short, we see the big picture and how the pieces fit together.

Our advice is also underpinned by our understanding of the international environment including recent developments in health and social services policy, funding and regulation in New Zealand, the USA, Canada, UK and Europe.

Our breadth of knowledge and experience is reflected in the range of work we have completed including:

  • The development of drug and alcohol service models.
  • The development of a National Framework for Health Services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children and Families.
  • A literature review and report on standards setting and accreditation in the health system.
  • The development of comprehensive reforms to the funding of pharmaceuticals.
  • The development of public reports on a wide range of food-related matters including fortification of foods with vitamins and minerals, labelling of foods and use of nanotechnology in foods.
  • The development of various resources for staff managing grants programs, hearing service programs and aged care programs.
  • The development of comprehensive approaches to the management of complaints.