
Seeking your input - Volunteer Management Program Review

By mpconsulting

mpconsulting has been engaged by the Department of Social Services (the Department) to undertake a review of the Volunteer Management Program (VMP). Through the VMP, the Department funds over 50 organisations (volunteer support services) to deliver volunteer support across Australia. The services recruit, encourage, support and train volunteers and volunteer involving organisations, and increase participation in volunteering. For us to gain an understanding of how appropriate and effective the program is, we want to hear from volunteers and the organisations. Read more...

Update on consultation opportunities – HSR system five year review

By Elsa Kennett

In July 2017, mpconsulting was engaged to conduct an independent review of the Health Star Rating (HSR) system. The HSR system is a public health and consumer choice intervention designed to encourage people to make healthier dietary choices. A public submission process for the five year review was conducted between June and August 2017. mpconsulting has prepared a report on submissions to the review of the HSR system and has also proposed a future consultation strategy. More information on the proposed. Read more...

Quality Agency Better Practice 2017

By Andrea Matthews

This week I had the pleasure of facilitating a workshop on the new aged care quality standards in Brisbane, as part of the Australian Aged Care Quality Agency’s Better Practice 2017 Rethinking Aged Care program. I’ve also facilitated this workshop in Darwin, Melbourne, Adelaide and Sydney over the past few months. In each location, I’ve been impressed by the quality of the dialogue generated amongst aged care providers and it has given me plenty of ideas and inspiration to continue. Read more...