
Release of resources for the aged care sector

By mpconsulting

mpconsulting is proud to have worked closely with the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission (the Commission) in developing foundational guidance pieces about the Code of Conduct for Aged Care, the Serious Incident Response Scheme for providers of home services and the various governance responsibilities, including requirements about the membership of a provider’s governing body, advisory bodies, staff competencies, suitability of key personnel, and more.

On the basis of this work, the Commission has created a series of resources designed to inform and guide providers, aged care workers, governing persons and the public. These resources are available on the Commission’s website in a range of formats including guidelines, factsheets, videos and quizzes.

mpconsulting was informed by insights from Commission staff, facilitated stakeholder workshops and feedback from Commission-run webinar sessions. Thank you to those who contributed.